Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go slit my wrists
(2003-12-08 - 6:48 p.m.)

Well, silly me. I didn�t realize that "first thing Monday morning" can often mean, for those of us who have signed up to take it and take it and take it from temp agencies, last thing Monday afternoon. But here is the good news: all I have to do is take the following not even remotely demeaning personality test, and if it happens I have the exact type and subtype this outfit is looking for, then maybe they�ll be willing to interview me!

Now do you see what I mean about things not being worth it?

For each set (A-X) circle the number or phase that best describes you. Circle only one number in each group. do not skip any group. There are no right or wrong answers to this survey.


  1. I complete things I start

  2. I respond fast

  3. I make plans

  4. I imagine things


  1. I plan before I act

  2. I do things that are different

  3. I change easily

  4. I like clear instructions


  1. I react fast

  2. I like to have others finish what I start

  3. I do things that are new and different

  4. I get things done


  1. I see into the future

  2. I like things clear and direct

  3. I am an organizer

  4. I change ideas a lot


  1. I have complicated ideas

  2. I think of new ways to do things

  3. I solve things pretty easily

  4. I like things to be easy to understand


  1. I follow directions

  2. I predict what�s going to happen

  3. I�m quick to respond

  4. I have many ideas


  1. I pay attention to every detail

  2. I have quick solutions

  3. I like things my way

  4. I like to follow directions


  1. I know what I want to do

  2. I know how I want to get things done

  3. I�m pretty good at planning details

  4. I give suggestions faster than others


  1. I like to take chances

  2. I like to follow the rules

  3. I find and fix problems

  4. I get into things totally


  1. I like my own ideas best

  2. It�s easy for me to stay on task

  3. I�m very careful

  4. I sometimes do things before I think them through


  1. I like to analyze

  2. I adjust easily

  3. I don�t like changes

  4. I make things happen


  1. I like to analyze

  2. I like to get things decided

  3. I am easily distracted

  4. I like to see ideas grow


  1. I really don�t like rules

  2. I like things �just right�

  3. I like to get things done

  4. I sometimes forget details


  1. I forget things easily

  2. I pay close attention to details

  3. I go along with the crowd

  4. I get others going


  1. I like things to be exact

  2. I�m playful

  3. I get unusual ideas that I need to explain

  4. I like to follow a schedule and be on time


  1. I like directions

  2. I like to invent things

  3. I like adventure

  4. I want to be exact


  1. I use things at hand to solve problems

  2. I look for more than one way to solve things

  3. If things get tough, I�ll change ideas

  4. I want to be exact


  1. I like to start things

  2. I tell others what I think

  3. I get things done

  4. I don�t always know how things are going to end up


  1. I decide things easily

  2. I stir up action

  3. I�m steady as a rock

  4. I�m "out of synch" with others


  1. I am thoughtful and deliberate

  2. I like to think about lots of things

  3. I don�t like interruptions

  4. I like to look at different ways to get things done


  1. I�m careful

  2. I like a fast pace

  3. I like to complete all the details

  4. I see unusual connections between things


  1. I�m a daredevil

  2. I�m interested in getting results

  3. I�m logical

  4. I ignore details


  1. I like to be in the "here and now"

  2. I think about how things might be in the future

  3. I like facts

  4. I act on the spur of the moment


  1. I like things to be clear and easy to understand

  2. I can predict things in the future

  3. I do things according to the system

  4. I like things to happen "right now"

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Envy me worship meVoyeurism on tapI'll make you cake if you doIt's free and hella cool, how can you not?
Marriage is love.